
Momo Boxes contain each contain one Momo, a magical creature that can be fused to your Holoself during Momoguro: Legends of Uno gameplay to boost your avatar’s stats and abilities.

Each Momo Box has a chance for Legendaries and other rare pulls, which can be used in gameplay or trading. Momos of different classes, stats, and abilities are needed for the best chances of success in the game.

There are 10,000 total Momo Boxes living on Ethereum. the breakout is:

Genesis Momo Box

These Momo Boxes contain Momos of varying types (regular or mega), stats, skills, and rarity. A select number of Momo Boxes also contain never again seen limited edition Momos.

🕷️ Various Momo types, regular & megas.

🎮 Individually generated stats & special abilities.

❗ Chance at limited-edition Momos.

Ancient Momo Box

The Momos contained in these Boxes are rarer limited edition 1/1s that only ever appear in one drop. These Momos are more powerful than those found in the Genesis Momo Boxes and have varying types (regular or mega), stats, and skills.

🦔 Various Momo types never available again.

🎮 More rare and powerful Momos than Genesis Boxes (guaranteed).

👀 1-of-1 Momos.

Pictured: Genesis Momo Box

Pictured: Genesis Momo Box

Pictured: Ancient Momo Box

Pictured: Ancient Momo Box

Why Are The Momo Boxes Valuable?

Each Momo Box contains one random collectible weird and wonderful Momo creature of the Uno Plane. Everyone will get to open it and reveal before the game is released. Or you can keep it unopened for future trading and open it any time after.

These are the first Momos ever released in any form. These boxes will never be released again.