
The art of forming Momobeasts is a highly skilled task that requires the most experienced Holoself teams.

The role of Momobeasts in the development of the modern Uno Plane is considered to be a major factor in the flourishing of all Momo societies. As a result, Holoselves, the teams of a Lucha and a Sento responsible for creating and piloting Momobeasts, have been revered as heroes by the people of the Uno Plane.



Momobeasts have played a vital role in the growth and advancement of the Uno Plane, from building infrastructure and transporting Momos across vast distances to defending the plane against external threats. Specialized Holoself teams have developed expertise in creating custom Momobeasts for specific needs and tasks.

In Momoguro: Legends of Uno you’ll pair with Momos to go on quest and overcome hurdles. As a Momobeast you’ll progress through the Legends of Uno story and and discover dark secrets long-forgotten. Fuse with Momos to unlock their powers and defend the world from the foes seeking to divide it.
