
Momos can be found in the many regions of the Uno Plane, from the snow-covered slopes of the Sawtooth Cordillera to the rugged, wind-swept dunes of the Abandoned Beach, on the warm plateaus of Tabletop Hills and in the muggy swamps of the Wetlands.

Much like the creatures on Earth, many Momos have adapted to survive and thrive in the extreme climates found in Uno. While some prefer to stay in the familiarity and relative comfort of their native habitats, others enjoy traveling around the Uno Plane, sampling the delights that each region has to offer.


Each Momo species has its own communication style. Some are like animals and use a language of grunts, trills, coos, and clicks — you may not pick up on the exact meaning of these sounds, but the gist is always clear.

Other Momos have developed complex languages, full of nuance and subtlety, similar to the ones humans use. In general, these tribes live in more highly developed societies than their grunting, clicking cohabitants, but it’s not always the case.

No matter how they communicate, all Momos understand each other to some degree. Fusions between Momos are always consensual, respectful, and platonic.


With so much harmony and peaceful coexistence in Uno, you’d be forgiven for assuming that all Momos are vegetarians. While this is the case for many Momo species, it’s not true for all of them.

Some Momos do eat other Momos as part of their healthy, balanced diet. The evolution of the Uno Plane is determined by a process of natural selection, so both predators and prey roam its many regions.

There is, though, something of an unspoken understanding between the carnivore and herbivore Momos. For the most part, those that are prey acknowledge that their sacrifice is for the greater good and accept their fate honorably, if not somewhat begrudgingly.

Know Your Momo

Here are a just a few of the Momos that can be found on the Uno Plane:



Toostäs' quick reflexes and protective instincts make them ideal companions for dangerous adventures. Toostäs are known to be loyal and fierce protectors of their friends.



Origamos have the ability to fold and unfold into any shape imaginable. Despite their friendly nature, Origamos are highly elusive thanks to their ability to turn almost entirely two-dimensional.


Spider Shroom

Spider Shrooms have powerful legs and are adept at climbing. They are also fluent in most of Uno’s many languages, which makes them useful travel buddies during long quests.


Beardo Maneshroom

Beardo Maneshrooms are known for the healing properties of their rubbery nubbins. They are natural caregivers, maintaining a calm, reassuring manner when tending to the sick and wounded.
