The Source

Thousands of cycles ago, a meteorite burst through a magic portal and struck the Uno Plane. This massive rock, now known as Momo Island, became the source of Momoguro energy, a powerful binding force that enables living beings to fuse together and benefit from each other’s abilities.

When two creatures fuse together in the wild, it is known as a Momopair. Momopairs demonstrate the innate creativity and compatibility of all Momos.

When two creatures fuse together in the wild, it is known as a Momopair. Momopairs demonstrate the innate creativity and compatibility of all Momos.

<aside> 🎨 Early Concept Art For The Momoguro Digital Collectible.


As a result, all the creatures of Uno, which we call Momos, evolved to become expert collaborators. Since their strengths could be shared, and every party benefited, Momos ****developed a natural inclination to join forces and work together. Symbiotic relationships became the norm, collaboration a way of life. Momoguro energy enabled all living creatures to come together to create something greater than the sum of their parts.

From Strength to Strength

But the influence of Momoguro energy did not stop there. Teamwork made the dream work so efficiently in Uno, that it impacted the evolutionary progression of the whole ecosystem. Over time, each Momo’s specialized skill — the unique trait that made them such a valuable fusion partner — became hyper-developed.

Their ability to fuse with one another, to complement and capitalize on each other’s strengths, has exaggerated each Momo species’ core characteristic.

Their ability to fuse with one another, to complement and capitalize on each other’s strengths, has exaggerated each Momo species’ core characteristic.

Similarly, since every Momo could rely on their fusion partner(s) to make up for any weaknesses, their peripheral, non-essential characteristics evolved very little. All Momos rely on each other’s sense of community and responsibility to compensate for the skills they lack.

Power of Community

Harmony in Uno is built on reciprocity. All Momos participate in mutual and consensual fusion partnerships to keep their society happy and healthy. Momos understand that Uno can only thrive when the whole community pulls together to improve the lives of each individual, as well as the group at large.

Among the hundreds of Momo species that populate Uno, only two have been able to harness this fusion energy and master the art of Momoguro: Luchas and Sentos.

Creating a strong Momobeast involves effectively managing resources and understanding the needs and motivations of each member of the group.

Creating a strong Momobeast involves effectively managing resources and understanding the needs and motivations of each member of the group.

When a Lucha and a Sento come together, they form a single being called a Holoself. Each Holoself has the ability to fuse with many Momos, sometimes hundreds at a time, to form a powerful organic mecha known as a Momobeast.

These Momobeasts embody the spirit of collective action in Uno; each Momo lends its own unique skill to help the group achieve a common goal.